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Make it emotional

Workshop to create enhancing emotional response using sensory processes as an active tool.

The world is what the senses tell us. We are the resultant reactions of what surrounds us. So, why don’t we use to involve further sensory stimuli when conceiving a design? Is a visual insight the unique form to deliver a service or design a product?

This one session workshop provides the tools to unblock our emotional response by understanding the role of “the everything else” around a concept.

We guide attendees to a multisensory stage where they will analice neurocognitive effects through senses and perceptions, associations and emotions.

Synaesthesia among other crossmodal associations are present in this first stage of exploration.

In a second stage we aim to use the insights detected to hack a product, in this case white shoes, to express an abstract concept or even sensation.

The session was imparted to Airbus Europe directives in creative and non creative workfieds as part of Elisava Research. It has also been imparted to the “Design New Materials” Master at Elisava School.

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