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# PLUG: A real-time visualization of life

Installation exhibited at the MNAC National Art Museum of Catalonia, within the Mobile Week Barcelona 2017.



The internet and network collaboration models have fueled our ability to act as a common entity. They have given us the possibility of being one, shared emotion, thought and action. They have given us the possibility of being part of a whole, with what this entails, the possibility of defining our system and society, highlighting our values. Unfortunately, more times than we would like to, we mistakenly rely on a physical device to feel part of this larger thing. There are currently more mobiles than human beings on planet earth.



Our mobile phone is in many cases the obvious and direct link with this network, but: what use do we make of it? Do we exploit its capabilities as a tool to give life to this network or does it end up being a focus of procrastination? Do we really use our ability to decide what matters to us and what doesn't? #PLUG It is a piece that visualizes the life of a hashtag in real time through Twitter. What impact does a death have? The less the hashtag is used, the less life and less importance for the values ​​that this person represents in our society.



Project released in collaboration with Daniel Grau as tech magician and Brenda Sabbah as filmmaker.

Press release

- #PLUG: A realtime visualization of life. // Mobile Week Barcelona


- Mobile Week Barcelona at the Museum. //MNAC Museo Nacional de Arte de Cataluña.







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